That's what the kids are calling it. If you live in or teach in Denton ISD, we got the call Saturday afternoon that school was going to be canceled for the week. Then Tuesday afternoon we got another call saying they were reopening school on Thursday. That's today. When the kids got to school this morning news started circulating that if they were absent it had to be counted as excused. So my first class had 7 kids missing. Now, I am sitting in 3rd block and I have 5 students. Yes I said 5. I can't teach about light energy to 5 students when I have 15 others that will be missing it. Apparently, students were texting their parents to check them out all morning. I still have 1 class left and I am going to guess 3 for that one. Then tomorrow, I bet teaching will be impossible. Not to make light of what could have been scary,this post was my Ode to Swine Break 2009.
Boxing on Sundays
7 years ago
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